This suggestion is invalid because no changes were made to the code. Unless you have specified otherwise, the installed add-ons will update themselves automatically. If the link you typed in pings out or cannot connect, then the problem might be with the repository itself. The owner can then connect the repository as a source to the App Center build service.
Try to crawl the repository at a later time, or increase the timeout value on the Proxy and Timeout page in search administration. I installed this build in my Odroid C2, but I am not able to connect to the LibreElec Addon repository to install the TvHeadend addon. If you had already saved the repo on Sources, you can go and edit it.
I am connecting to a repository in Oracle Data Integrator ODI (Standalone Edition Version 12.1.3). passthrough and ACC conversion to DD) when I watch the same content as a recording, the system memory increase until the system hangs up - w/o any log entries. Here we will discuss one of the most prevailing and annoying error, Could not connect to repository.