Click ESC key and enter :wq to save the file and exitĮ. Enter vim ~/.bash_profile on the terminalĮxport M2_HOME =/Users/ylspirit/Downloads/apache maven - 3.6.3ĭ. Then according to the operating system used, download the corresponding JDK, I am using mac, so I choose the max os version.Īfter the download is complete, install it.Ģ) Open the terminal, type java -version to check whether the installation is successful, if the version information is output, the installation is successful.Ģ) When the download is complete, double-click the file to unzip or use the tar command to unzip the fileĪssuming the installation package path to /Users/ylspirit/Downloads/apache maven - 3.6.3Ī. JDK version, currently the most used JDK version is 8, so here I also choose jdk 1.8.